5 Tips For Break-Out Session

CorporateTravel.ID  – Regular breaks are important parts in a long meeting. It often taken for granted as the easiest part to arrange. Break up your break-out sessions with different themes. Small groups discussions can be considered as break-out session too. Usually it takes 15 to 45 minutes each.


Do not forget to plan short revival breaks to prevent the participants from nodding off. These breaks should be 10 minutes long at maximum. Make it just enough for refreshment and using the rest room. If half of the group is doesn’t come back, it is an indicator for a boring session for them.


Here are 5 tips to make it effective and fresh.

1. Create a ‘Parking Lot’. You can use a white board or flip chart for participants to write any thoughts, ideas, or comments they may have during the break.


2. Inform everyone about breaks schedule. This will allow them to plan for quick phone calls, reply emails, and run to rest room.


3. Include group massages. Get everyone to form a circle and start massaging someone in front of him or her.


4. Move out from same meeting room when possible. You may want to try the café, poolside, or by the beach if you are in a resort.


5. Theme the breaks and include interesting dishes which can be served in lunch boxes without making a mess. For example ‘Berry Effective’, for a session held during lunchtime with berry-based pastries as the meals.

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Johanes (Joe) Chang is a corporate travel enthusiast and a serial entrepreneur. He has more than 20 years of experiences in fast growing and dynamic industries with multicultural environment such as travel, hospitality, and tourism, e-commerce, and emerging technologies. He is the founder of Biztrips, CorporateTravel.ID, Indonesia Corporate Travel Community / Forum / Workshop / Talk, and Connextrav. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/johaneschang/)

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